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What is ArmadaCon?

ArmadaCon is a sci-fi and fantasy multimedia convention that's been running in Plymouth since 1988.

Why Multimedia?

Other conventions tend to be focused one medium or one subject within that medium. We've found that fans find this format restrictive as most fans like more than one type of medium irrespective of subject.

Why do you describe yourselves as 'unconventional'?

Many modern conventions have become very commercialised. They're slickly presented and well polished events. This type of convention is now considered the norm. Fans go to these conventions to be entertained by the guests. ArmadaCon is completely different; most attendees come to entertain each other!

What Happens at ArmadaCon

There are a number of activities that have come to be regular occurrences at ArmadaCon. However, they tend to come and go. Not every ArmadaCon is the same! The following lists various items that you may encounter.


ArmadaCon has been supporting blind-related charities for many years. The first of these was Guide Dogs for the Blind; where the money we raised helped to pay for the training of two guide dogs. In more recent years our chosen charity has been the RNIB Talking Books service. The money we have raised to date has paid for the transcription of more than twelve books.

We are now supporting St Lukes Hospice; a local palliative care hospice.

Unlike some other auctions, ArmadaCon's is a source of entertainment as well as a means of raising money! You have to experience it to understand. Just imagine the idea of people bidding to make sure someone else has to take home a particular item!

Guest Panels

Held throughout the weekend, guests will be holding panels where they make a presentation on a particular subject, then participate in a question and answer session. This is your opportunity to get to know the guests a little better, and the guests chance to find out what makes fans tick!


One of the great things about a con is the chance for a little sartorial showing off and seeing the wonderful outfits that people have created, so we will be having a hall costume competition and everyone is invited to take part.

If you've already got something in mind, that's fantastic! But, if you're not sure, how about our daily themes to challenge and inspire you…?

Saturday - All Tomorrow’s Yesterdays

Lots of science fiction set in the future draws inspiration from the past. From Star Trek and Stargate's numerous alien cultures that mirrored ancient civilisations, via Rocket Robin Hood and the Italian renaissance stylings of Dune, to David Drake and David Weber's Napoleonic navies in space. Dive in and show us your vision from All Tomorrow's Yesterdays.

Sunday - All Yesterday’s Tomorrows

There's nothing quite like putting a date on a piece of science fiction to…er…date it.

1984, UFO, Space: 1999, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Back to the Future 2, Blade Runner, and so many more were set in what was, at the time, the future. Let's visit the Gernsback Continuum and all those visions of the future that weren't quite what came to pass.

Just do us a favour and steer clear of the Star Trek episode ‘Patterns of Force’. No, we're not kidding - Please no Nazi's. They're verboten.

Quizzes and Games

What would a convention be without the odd quiz or game? Throughout the weekend there are opportunities to join in and pit your wits against the other attendees. There are team games as well as quizzes where you can take part as an individual.

Radio Plays

Often with a comedy element, the radio play is a relaxed introduction to the ArmadaCon experience! The cast members are all attendees (and often guests!); so why not get involved and provide a voice!

Table Top Gaming and RPG

If gaming is more your thing, then ArmadaCon has its own games room. RPG and tabletop wargames are run throughout the weekend.

Turkey Readings

The Turkey Readings involve the reading aloud some of the worst sci-fi and fantasy ever written. Attendees then bid for the reader to stop; while others bid for the torture to continue. All money raised goes to our charity.

If you have a book or story that you think is worthy of being included in the Turkey Readings; please feel free to bring it. Provided it passes the strict criteria (!) it stands a good chance of being included!

Post Con Meal

The Post Con Meal rounds off the weekend in our venue's dining hall. Diners get dressed up (this is not obligatory, though nudity is discouraged!) and avail themselves of the menu provided. It's an opportunity to relax from the frantic pace of the previous 48 hours!

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