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ArmadaCon 2023
Friday 3rd - Sunday 5th November


ArmadaCon is a sci-fi and fantasy multimedia convention that's been running in Plymouth since 1988. While other conventions tend to be focused on one medium or one subject within that medium, we've found that fans find this format restrictive, as most fans like more than one type of medium, irrespective of subject. You can find out more on our about page.


This year we will have Marc Burrows and Dominic Glynn visiting us, as well as Beth Webb. Full details of all our guests are available on the guests page.


For a while now, ArmadaCon has been meeting at the Future Inns hotel in Plymouth. All rooms have either two Canadian double beds or one Canadian double bed and one sofa bed. They are all en-suite and non-smoking. ArmadaCon gets a special room rate, though this does not include breakfast, which is an additional charge. More information can be found on the location page.


ArmadaCon meets the first weekend in November. For 2023, this means Friday, 3rd November through Sunday 5the November. Programming starts around 18:00 on the Friday, runs through 17:30 on the Sunday, and is then followed up with a post-con meal for anybody who's still around.


You can register to attend by first visiting the registration page. Here you'll find information about the cost have the opportunity to fill in your details for registration.


Wadda ya mean, why? Because you'll have a fun time. That's why!!!

Also, ArmadaCon has a history of giving to charity, which means your attendance and help will have a meaningful impact on the community.


You can find more general information in our FAQ, and more information about our code of conduct. If you'd like to get in touch with us, you can do so from our contacts page.

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